Pidato Bahasa Inggris: The important of rubbish basket in our classroom
Assalamu’alaikum. wr.wb.
Dear honorable my English teacher who always give me the right guidance,
And Dear honorable all of my beloved classmates,
Firstly, let’s thanks to god because we have been given health so we can gather here to do our duties as a student.
Secondly, sholawat and Salam may always be given to our great prophet Muhammad saw that has brought us into modern era like this.
Thirdly, I would like to say thanks to the Master of ceremony which has given me the time to deliver my speech in this our beloved classroom.
In this right time, I would like to present the speech by the title “The important of rubbish basket in our classroom”.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Have you ever though that the rubbish can damage us? Have you ever though that rubbish will destroy us when it is not thrown to the excellent place?
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Here, I would like to tell you that rubbish can damage us and be able to make some destroyed to ourselves if we throw them to the untrue place.
Rubbish is the simple material that can not be used anymore directly. So it is needed the other process to change the rubbish to the useful material. It comes from the packs of the snack, candy, cigarette, soft drink, papers that can not be used again and so on. As a student, I think will be impossible for us if we change that rubbish into a useful material that can be used again. And then, what must we do to the rubbish? My brothers and my sisters, let’s throw the rubbish to its places! By doing that, I am sure that we have kept our classroom, our school and our environment from disaster.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
I would like to give you the example about the disaster caused by rubbish;
1. Flood. Flood is one of disaster caused by rubbish that is thrown in untrue place. When it begins to rain, rubbish will disturb the absorption to the water by the soil.
2. We will be attracted by disease that caused by flood, example; Diare, demem berdarah, stomachache and so on.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
So, what must we do now? Let’s throw the rubbish to the rubbish basket! Let’s make rubbish basket in this our beloved classroom, because it is very important.
May this our effort will keep us from the disease. Amen.
Ladies and gentlemen!
I think my speech enough here, thank you for your attention; I am sorry if I had mistakes from my delivering speech. I just common human being that have many mistakes.