Tips for Facing Computer Assisted Test (CAT) on National Examination 2019
Good evening, how are you doing?
I hope all will be fine.
Are you The Last Grade Students?
If you are, of course you are still confused or feel nervous about what to do and where must you start to prepare National Examination.
There is much preparation to face National Examination. You must ready on mastery learning, memorize much form or pattern, usual yourself to read a lot, etc.
In Final Examination, Students usually do all Exam Session by a Computer. This method is called Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Basic Test (CBT).
On this occasion I will present some Tips for Facing Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Basic Test (CBT) 2019 for all friends:
1. Read and Re-Learn Learning Materials
When Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Basic Test (CBT) you will face questions from the material you have learned in class at the moment and even lessons in the previous class will also be asked. Therefore, you have to reread the material that has been studied so far.
Its function is of course to refresh your memory of the learning material that will be tested. After all this time, there must be learning material that you forget. By rereading the learning material, you will remember the material again.
Re-reading the material should begin with the last lesson learned in class. After you understand the material, and then learn the past material. Do not let you not learn because the possibility of old material will appear in the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Basic Test (CBT) question.
Learning is not only for teachers and books, but you can learn from the internet and take part in school hours (Intensive Learning Guidance) or additional hours of study outside of school such as participating in Tutoring (BIMBEL).
2. Adapting Yourself to a Computer
The name of the online UN is certainly done using a computer. Therefore, you must be able to master computer usage. You also need to know computer terms.
For that, from now on you have to get used to using a computer. Start studying computer usage. Start from how to turn it on to complete the knowledge of the term computer.
There are a number of things you must master.
The first is how to log in. Because, joining Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Basic Test (CBT) you must be able to log in on a special page. You must already know the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Basic Test (CBT) login mechanism. Look for information about the implementation of the previous Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Basic Test (CBT) both from the teacher and from the seniors who have graduated.
Second, you already understand the term computer. You can know a variety of computer terms from many sources. Try searching so you don't stutter when you get an explanation of the implementation of Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Basic Test (CBT) when you do it later.
And, finally, get used to the computer screen. This is very important because it will be related to your stamina when working on the questions. Don't let your eyes get tired while working on Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Basic Test (CBT) later.
3. Preparing Physical and Mental
Physical preparation is quite important if you want to get maximum results in the implementation of the 2019 Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Basic Test (CBT). For that, you must take care of your health and fitness. If you like to exercise, use your hobby to maintain fitness.
In addition, as said before, practice the power of eye stamina. Do not let your eyes get tired when staring at a computer screen.
Next, practice your confidence. To practice it, you can just get used to being sure of whatever you are doing. By often exercising your confidence, you will get used to being calm and confident when doing something.
So, physical and mental preparation is important enough to face Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Basic Test (CBT) 2019. If you do not make preparations, then you will panic and get tired during the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Basic Test (CBT) implementation.
4. Practice often working on Computer Assisted Test (CAT) questions
Without practicing the questions, surely you will not be ready to face the various questions that arise.
The practice will provide a lot of insight into the various questions that might come out during Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Basic Test (CBT) Often facing problem training then you can predict what material will appear later.
In addition, problem training will give you the opportunity to strategize in working on the problem. The strategy will help you maximize the processing time of the questions so that no time is wasted just to work on one problem.
That is the tips for preparing to face the 2019 Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Basic Test (CBT). After all that preparation, do not forget to continue praying and asking for your parents' blessing. Due to by prayers and blessings of your parents, you will get the convenience when you are joining Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Basic Test (CBT) later.
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